Meet Some of Our Life Coach Training Graduates

The Courageous Living Coach Certification program debuted in 2014. Since then, we've worked with women from around the world (across the U.S., Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, the Netherlands, Belgium, the U.K., the Phillippines, Italy, and more) and all walks of life (our demographic age range is 25-55). The women who join our program typically have little to no coaching experience when they begin, though some have completed other programs and are joining us to fill in the gaps where their initial training had something missing. 90% of our graduates finish our life coach certification.

Based on our surveys, 70% of our life coach certification graduates are creating income from coaching, one year after graduation. Monthly coaching income ranges from $200 to $1500+ each month. Several of our graduates have used their new coaching skill-set at their salaried and corporate jobs, integrating the skill-set for more job satisfaction until they make the full transition to self-employment. We're so incredibly proud of our graduates--here are just a few of them that we're profiling!

Czarina Thalen

czarina thalen

Before I thought I only wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. But at the end of my first pregnancy I learned from other moms that it's possible to work while having a connection to your babies during what's usually the "maternity leave" period (I've never had one, by the way). It was tremendously empowering to me to learn that the connection to one's work can counteract the isolation that many moms on maternity leave feel. For me I have found that to be true! In coaching women and men who are leading positive and sustainable change in their communities and nations around the world -- most recently in Kenya, Uganda, and Pakistan -- I am thrilled to be contributing to social justice by way of helping humanitarian aid / development sector leaders re-gain their energy and transform their leadership approach.

Meredith Noble

Three things I’m up to:

  • Working 1:1 with numerous clients worldwide and in-person in Portland, OR

  • Launching the Made on a Generous Plan podcast

  • Featured in a book that’s being released in January 2019

Julie Houghton

Julie Houghton, CLCC Graduate

I've lead two in-person workshops that had more than 40 attendees each; created an ebook called 5 Simple Things You Can Do Today To Find Work You Love, and I was invited to be a one of 20 guest experts for an interview series on finding work you love. Other guests included Laura Simms, Pam Slim & of course Kate Courageous. Big moments include: Having my first month where I made $2000 from coaching; Having my first month with a roster of 13 clients; Having the CEO of Maybrooks a website that provides career resources to working moms, approach me to ask if she could publish my blog posts on her site (which also gets pushed out to sites like Levo League) & could feature me as a recommended career coach. We also started planning a tele-seminar on career change that I'll be offering to her audience of moms!

Lara Heacock


I've signed a contract for my first Professional Association workshop! I'll be working a three-day national professional association meeting and conducting workshops for the attendees. I've wrote my first book, Practical Kindness, on how we can integrate kindness into our personal and professional lives. I've done speaking gigs for Workshops, and am now creating speeches and workshops for companies and professional networking groups. An article that I wrote was featured for my college sorority's national magazine, with distribution in the thousands. It won the Best Feature award at their National Convention in June and is one of the key pieces that helped me to launch the corporate side of my coaching business.

Paula Jenkins


My podcast, Jump Start Your Joy has been named a "New and Noteworthy" podcast for personal journals, and has consistently had high rankings on the charts. And, it's been a complete joy to create and produce. I've learned so much about myself, interviewed heart centered guests who have taught me amazing things, and connected with an audience in ways I never thought possible. I created and led a virtual retreat, with 10 speakers, that spanned a weekend. It was originally meant to be an in person retreat, but one of our speakers was diagnosed with cancer and could not lead with me. I changed the format and invited my CLCC team to join me in creating an online retreat. It was a really beautiful weekend. It was amazing getting to host such a cool event, to coach and see my colleagues prepare and coach over the weekend. Jump Start Your Podcast - is now my podcasting bootcamp class; and it's part project management and how to, and part coaching on what happens when you put yourself out there in a scary new way (also: getting to interview Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block!). I've also been accepted as a HuffPo contributor!

Liz Applegate


After launching and running The Midlife Schmidlife Podcast, a weekly show that helps listeners turn their "maybe somedays" into today, we pretty quickly had close to 400 iTunes subscribers in only 6 weeks. This has been a combination of vulnerability and consistency that I am very proud of for pursuing and succeeding. I have met amazing guests and have been able to help them tell their stories as inspiration to others. Related to this, I was tapped to contribute to a print book on how women transition during menopause. I've now been pivoting into how to Tame the Business Overwhelm, offering coaching and strategic services on how to run your business from a heart-centered place, without getting lost in the weeds of overwhelm. I'm also excited to have aired Toolbox Series, with exposure that has also led me to be a guest on other podcasts such as the Parent Entrepreneur Success and ADHD Rewired. A couple of others: I gave a successful presentation to college juniors and seniors on managing stress and overwhelm. Co-led YCP with 0ver 50 participants signing up. I facilitated a solo-led Your Courageous Purpose group that continued for an additional 4 weeks as we worked through exercises on self-compassion. I've participated in the Courage in Action Telesummit and joined the Leadership Team of the CLCC as Mentor Coach Coordinator.


Since graduating in 2014, I've been working with coaches who want to make coaching their full-time work, coaches who want to keep their business on the side while they are raising their families; coaches who hold down salaried jobs and coach on the side because they adore it and it offers fulfillment. I created the Doing It On the Side podcast, interviewing entrepreneurs about what it takes to cultivate businesses from their side passion projects. Vanessa has also completed the CLCC's Major Concentration in Career Coaching and now helps people figure out what kind of career pivots they would like to make so that they can find fulfilling work.

Reise Tanner


Three things I have created, launched and been excited about? Launching my website and launching my first online program, Rise Doula, which blends my coaching/mentoring skills set with my years of experiencing teaching and as a doula. I have 1:1 coaching clients that I love working with! I've held my first webinar. I was interviewed by the fourth trimester podcast. Some very known people whom I admire and who have influenced me agreed to be interviewed for my program.

Ally Tymoczko


I've been honing in on my message and what it is that I want to contribute to the world constantly excites me (and like everything, it's a process that continues to shift and evolve), diving into that first piece was key to creating my brand and offerings - which led to the launch of my website, I opened the doors to a free resource library for my community to get inspired and motivated by, which includes my eBook; Soul Ablaze: Create Magic Every Day and Live with Intention, and a workbook for moving from stuck to spacious entitled Free Your Mind: Rebel Against Resistance and Get Unstuck, plus additional worksheets and resources that I'm continuing to add to. #SoulSparkChat has been bringing me so much joy lately. #SoulSparkChat is a chat that's held on Twitter every Tuesday at 9PM EST. It's grown into such a phenomenal community of people who really encourage and support each other, who are also driven by their own self-development and growth. Each conversation is inspiring and lights a serious fire under your purpose. Some of the topics we've talked about so far are living intentionally, how to listen to your intuition, and going from passion to taking action. Click here to read all the details on what the community is about and how to join. You know how they say the small things are really the big things? I'm very mindful to celebrate each moment along the way, a lesson that my daughter continues to teach me, because they really do bring me so much joy. Each client that I have the opportunity to work with, being with someone when they experience a shift in their perspective sending a ripple effect throughout their life, every person who attends #SoulSparkChat, every newsletter subscriber that I have the honour to connect with, the incredible women who I've interviewed for the Live Life On Your Terms series, writing a guest post for Kind Over Matter--these are all things that I don't take for granted, and I can't wait to see what unfolds next.